Adoration is that sacred moment in time
where I gaze on the Face of Christ
and the Light of His Face shines on me.
What a great mystery:
That God, who created the vast universe
and all that is in it,
chose to become Man
and present Himself as the Bread of Life,
the singularly perfect Sacrifice,
who effects our salvation
and here fulfills that great promise
to be with us until the end of the world.
That is why we go to adoration:
to worship Jesus
truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.
The One who saves us waits.
Come join us. Come and worship.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel of Perpetual Adoration is now open!!
The chapel is located at the Holy Family Parish Life Center and Offices Premises off the 25th Street parking lot.
Please contact the Parish Office to sign-up for an access code and/or to commit to a regular schedule as an adorer. You may also choose to sign-up online through our AdorationPro website: