We would love for you to get involved! Holy Family has an active community with numerous organizations and ways to help. Ask the Parish Office for a stewardship directory to learn more about each group and where you would love to contribute!
Every volunteer must complete the diocesan safe environment training (CMG which has replaced the old Virtus Program). You can get started in the comfort of your own home by going to: galvestonhouston.cmgconnect.org or stop by the office if you need a computer. Contact the parish at 409.762.9646 if you would like to assist by volunteering in the main office, religious education, or finance departments.
Adopt-a-student program – If God has blessed you and you would like to help other children receive a Catholic education, talk to us about sponsoring a student. For more information, please call the school office at 409-765-6607
Weekly Communion Service: Volunteers needed to assist Catholic residents of Gulf Health Care Center of Galveston attend their weekly Communion Service at 10:00 a.m. every Friday. If you are interested in helping, please email theofficehfp@gmail.com or call the parish office 409-762-9646 and leave your name and contact information.
Gulf Health Care Center of Galveston is located at: 3702 Cove View Blvd, Galveston, TX 77554
Our parish partners with Galveston County Food Bank to distribute food to people who need it every Thursday morning at 8:30am at the Holy Rosary Church parking lot. If you are interested in being a volunteer, email theofficehfp@gmail.com or come check it out.
Nuestra parroquia se asocia con el Banco de Alimentos del condado de Galveston para distribuir alimentos a las personas que lo necesitan todos los jueves por la mañana a las 8:30 am en el estacionamiento de Iglesia del Santo Rosario. Si usted está interesado en ser voluntario, email theofficehfp@gmail.com o venga comprobarlo