Homebound Ministry
Mission Statement: To recognize and to share God’s love with the homebound, by bringing them the Eucharist and offering them compassion, prayers, and the love of our community in order to enhance the unity of Holy Family Parish.
Coordinator: Ms. Mary Ramirez
If you know any parishioners who are sick and homebound that would like to have a homebound minister visit them and bring them communion, please have them contact the parish office at (409) 762-9646 or Mary Ramirez at (409) 974-4799.
Conoces algun FELIGRESES confinados en el hogar? Si conoces algún feligreses que están enfermos y confinado en casa que le gustaría tener un ministro de homebound a visitarlos y llevarlos a la comunión, por favor pídales que contacte a la oficina parroquial al (409) 762-9646 o María Ramírez al (409) 974-4799.
Requirements: Ministers to the Homebound must be
- at least eighteen years of age
- persons of genuine Eucharistic faith
Meetings / Training: Those called upon to take the Eucharist to the homebound receive specialized education0 in the Church’s attitude toward suffering and death, sensitive pastoral ministry to the sick, and familiarity with the Rite for Holy Communion outside of Mass.
Contact: You can use the form below to contact Mary Ramirez: