Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion Needed
Holy Family Parish is very much in need of additional Eucharistic Ministers at all Masses. If you’ve always wanted to contribute your talent to your church, or once served and would like to come back, please contact the church office at 409-762-9646.
Purpose: Extraordinary Ministers, sometimes referred to as Eucharistic Ministers, are properly designated Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. They are members of the laity who are trained to assist priests and deacons in distributing the Most Precious Body and Blood of our Lord when there are not enough Ordinary Ministers available.
Requirements: Extraordinary Ministers must be:
- registered members of the parish
- at least 18 years of age or a senior in high school
- fully initiated in the Church
- persons of genuine Eucharistic faith
- living exemplary Catholic lives
- having sound psychological maturity
- nourished by frequent reception of the Eucharist
- willing to accept and follow the guidelines proposed for the Church
Meetings / Workshops: Formation programs for candidates are held at various times and include: a grounding in Eucharistic theology; an understanding of the history and principles of liturgical ministry; a sense of the minister’s responsibility to convey reverence by posture movement and dress; and a personal faith response at the moment of contact with the communicant. Each Church site has a coordinator who prepares the Eucharistic Minister schedule.
Contact: Holy Family Parish is very much in need of additional Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors, and Ushers at any Masses. If you’ve always wanted to contribute your talent to your church, or once served and would like to come back, please contact the church office at 409-762-9646 or email Please include your name, phone number and how you would like to serve.